Qt Thread Safe Signal Slot

broken image

A short history

The thread that delivers the event will release the semaphore right after the slot has been called. Meanwhile, the thread that called the signal will acquire the semaphore in order to wait until the event is processed. Qt Signals And Slots Thread Safe and operated by Aspire Global International LTD. Signals and slots is a language construct introduced in Qt for communication between objects which makes it easy to implement the observer pattern while avoiding boilerplate code.The concept is that GUI widgets can send signals containing event information which can be received by other widgets / controls using special functions known as slots. This is similar to C/C function pointers, but. QtCore.SIGNAL and QtCore.SLOT macros allow Python to interface with Qt signal and slot delivery mechanisms. This is the old way of using signals and slots. The example below uses the well known clicked signal from a QPushButton. The connect method has a non python-friendly syntax. It is necessary to inform the object, its signal (via macro.

Long long ago, subclass QThread and reimplement its run() function is the only recommended way of using QThread. This is rather intuitive and easy to used. But when SLOTS and Qt event loop are used in the worker thread, some users do it wrong. So Bradley T. Hughes, one of the Qt core developers, recommend that use worker objects by moving them to the thread using QObject::moveToThread . Unfortunately, some users went on a crusade against the former usage. So Olivier Goffart, one of the former Qt core developers, tell the subclass users: You were not doing so wrong. Finally, we can find both usages in the documentation of QThread.

QThread::run() is the thread entry point

From the Qt Documentation, we can see that

A QThread instance represents a thread and provides the means to start() a thread, which will then execute the reimplementation of QThread::run(). The run() implementation is for a thread what the main() entry point is for the application.

As QThread::run() is the thread entry point, it is rather intuitive to use the Usage 1.

Usage 1-0

To run some code in a new thread, subclass QThread and reimplement its run() function.

For example

The output more or less look like:

Usage 1-1

As QThread::run() is the thread entry point, so it easy to undersand that, all the codes that are not get called in the run() function directly won't be executed in the worker thread.

In the following example, the member variable m_stop will be accessed by both stop() and run(). Consider that the former will be executed in main thread while the latter is executed in worker thread, mutex or other facility is needed.

The output is more or less like

You can see that the Thread::stop() is executed in the main thread.

Usage 1-2 (Wrong Usage)

Though above examples are easy to understand, but it's not so intuitive when event system(or queued-connection) is introduced in worker thread.

For example, what should we do if we want to do something periodly in the worker thread?

  • Create a QTimer in the Thread::run()
  • Connect the timeout signal to the slot of Thread

At first glance, the code seems fine. When the thread starts executing, we setup a QTimer thats going to run in the current thread's event queue. We connect the onTimeout() to the timeout signal. Then we except it works in the worker thread?

But, the result of the example is

Oh, No!!! They get called in the main thread instead of the work thread.

Very interesting, isn't it? (We will discuss what happened behined this in next blog)

How to solve this problem

In order to make the this SLOT works in the worker thread, some one pass the Qt::DirectConnection to the connect() function,

Qt Connect Signal Slot

and some other add following line to the thread constructor.

Both of them work as expected. But ..

The second usage is wrong,

Even though this seems to work, it's confusing, and not how QThread was designed to be used(all of the functions in QThread were written and intended to be called from the creating thread, not the thread that QThread starts)

In fact, according to above statements, the first workaround is wrong too. As onTimeout() which is a member of our Thread object, get called from the creating thread too.

Both of them are bad uasge?! what should we do?

Usage 1-3

As none of the member of QThread object are designed to be called from the worker thread. So we must create an independent worker object if we want to use SLOTS.

The result of the application is

Problem solved now!

Though this works perfect, but you may have notice that, when event loop QThread::exec() is used in the worker thread, the code in the QThread::run() seems has nothing to do with QThread itself.

So can we move the object creation out of the QThread::run(), and at the same time, the slots of they will still be called by the QThread::run()?

Usage 2-0

If we only want to make use of QThread::exec(), which has been called by QThread::run() by default, there will be no need to subclass the QThread any more.

  • Create a Worker object
  • Do signal and slot connections
  • Move the Worker object to a sub-thread
  • Start thread

The result is:

As expected, the slot doesn't run in the main thread.

In this example, both of the QTimer and Worker are moved to the sub-thread. In fact, moving QTimer to sub-thread is not required.

Qt Thread Safe Signal Slot

Simply remove the line timer.moveToThread(&t); from above example will work as expected too.

The difference is that:

In last example,

  • The signal timeout() is emitted from sub-thread
  • As timer and worker live in the same thread, their connection type is direct connection.
  • The slot get called in the same thead in which signal get emitted.

While in this example,

  • The signal timeout() emitted from main thread,
  • As timer and worker live in different threads, their connection type is queued connection.
  • The slot get called in its living thread, which is the sub-thread.

Thanks to a mechanism called queued connections, it is safe to connect signals and slots across different threads. If all the across threads communication are done though queued connections, the usual multithreading precautions such as QMutex will no longer need to be taken.

In short

  • Subclass QThread and reimplement its run() function is intuitive and there are still many perfectly valid reasons to subclass QThread, but when event loop is used in worker thread, it's not easy to do it in the right way.
  • Use worker objects by moving them to the thread is easy to use when event loop exists, as it has hidden the details of event loop and queued connection.


  • http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2010/06/17/youre-doing-it-wrong/
  • http://woboq.com/blog/qthread-you-were-not-doing-so-wrong.html
  • http://ilearnstuff.blogspot.com/2012/08/when-qthread-isnt-thread.html


In some applications it is often necessary to perform long-running tasks, such as computations or network operations, that cannot be broken up into smaller pieces and processed alongside normal application events. In such cases, we would like to be able to perform these tasks in a way that does not interfere with the normal running of the application, and ensure that the user interface continues to be updated. One way of achieving this is to perform these tasks in a separate thread to the main user interface thread, and only interact with it when we have results we need to display.

This example shows how to create a separate thread to perform a task - in this case, drawing stars for a picture - while continuing to run the main user interface thread. The worker thread draws each star onto its own individual image, and it passes each image back to the example's window which resides in the main application thread.

The User Interface

We begin by importing the modules we require. We need the math and random modules to help us draw stars.

The main window in this example is just a QWidget. We create a single Worker instance that we can reuse as required.

The user interface consists of a label, spin box and a push button that the user interacts with to configure the number of stars that the thread wil draw. The output from the thread is presented in a QLabel instance, viewer.

We connect the standard finished() and terminated() signals from the thread to the same slot in the widget. This will reset the user interface when the thread stops running. The custom output(QRect, QImage) signal is connected to the addImage() slot so that we can update the viewer label every time a new star is drawn.

The start button's clicked() signal is connected to the makePicture() slot, which is responsible for starting the worker thread.

We place each of the widgets into a grid layout and set the window's title:

The makePicture() slot needs to do three things: disable the user interface widgets that are used to start a thread, clear the viewer label with a new pixmap, and start the thread with the appropriate parameters.

Since the start button is the only widget that can cause this slot to be invoked, we simply disable it before starting the thread, avoiding problems with re-entrancy.

We call a custom method in the Worker thread instance with the size of the viewer label and the number of stars, obtained from the spin box.

Whenever is star is drawn by the worker thread, it will emit a signal that is connected to the addImage() slot. This slot is called with a QRect value, indicating where the star should be placed in the pixmap held by the viewer label, and an image of the star itself:

We use a QPainter to draw the image at the appropriate place on the label's pixmap.

The updateUi() slot is called when a thread stops running. Since we usually want to let the user run the thread again, we reset the user interface to enable the start button to be pressed:

Now that we have seen how an instance of the Window class uses the worker thread, let us take a look at the thread's implementation.

The Worker Thread

The worker thread is implemented as a PyQt thread rather than a Python thread since we want to take advantage of the signals and slots mechanism to communicate with the main application.

We define size and stars Casino bar stools black. attributes that store information about the work the thread is required to do, and we assign default values to them. The exiting attribute is used to tell the thread to stop processing.

Each star is drawn using a QPainterPath that we define in advance:

Before a Worker object is destroyed, we need to ensure that it stops processing. For this reason, we implement the following method in a way that indicates to the part of the object that performs the processing that it must stop, and waits until it does so.

Qt Signal Slot Thread

For convenience, we define a method to set up the attributes required by the thread before starting it.

Qt Signal Slot Not Working

The start() method is a special method that sets up the thread and calls our implementation of the run() method. We provide the render() method instead of letting our own run() method take extra arguments because the run() method is called by PyQt itself with no arguments.

The run() method is where we perform the processing that occurs in the thread provided by the Worker instance:


Usage 1-1

As QThread::run() is the thread entry point, so it easy to undersand that, all the codes that are not get called in the run() function directly won't be executed in the worker thread.

In the following example, the member variable m_stop will be accessed by both stop() and run(). Consider that the former will be executed in main thread while the latter is executed in worker thread, mutex or other facility is needed.

The output is more or less like

You can see that the Thread::stop() is executed in the main thread.

Usage 1-2 (Wrong Usage)

Though above examples are easy to understand, but it's not so intuitive when event system(or queued-connection) is introduced in worker thread.

For example, what should we do if we want to do something periodly in the worker thread?

  • Create a QTimer in the Thread::run()
  • Connect the timeout signal to the slot of Thread

At first glance, the code seems fine. When the thread starts executing, we setup a QTimer thats going to run in the current thread's event queue. We connect the onTimeout() to the timeout signal. Then we except it works in the worker thread?

But, the result of the example is

Oh, No!!! They get called in the main thread instead of the work thread.

Very interesting, isn't it? (We will discuss what happened behined this in next blog)

How to solve this problem

In order to make the this SLOT works in the worker thread, some one pass the Qt::DirectConnection to the connect() function,

Qt Connect Signal Slot

and some other add following line to the thread constructor.

Both of them work as expected. But ..

The second usage is wrong,

Even though this seems to work, it's confusing, and not how QThread was designed to be used(all of the functions in QThread were written and intended to be called from the creating thread, not the thread that QThread starts)

In fact, according to above statements, the first workaround is wrong too. As onTimeout() which is a member of our Thread object, get called from the creating thread too.

Both of them are bad uasge?! what should we do?

Usage 1-3

As none of the member of QThread object are designed to be called from the worker thread. So we must create an independent worker object if we want to use SLOTS.

The result of the application is

Problem solved now!

Though this works perfect, but you may have notice that, when event loop QThread::exec() is used in the worker thread, the code in the QThread::run() seems has nothing to do with QThread itself.

So can we move the object creation out of the QThread::run(), and at the same time, the slots of they will still be called by the QThread::run()?

Usage 2-0

If we only want to make use of QThread::exec(), which has been called by QThread::run() by default, there will be no need to subclass the QThread any more.

  • Create a Worker object
  • Do signal and slot connections
  • Move the Worker object to a sub-thread
  • Start thread

The result is:

As expected, the slot doesn't run in the main thread.

In this example, both of the QTimer and Worker are moved to the sub-thread. In fact, moving QTimer to sub-thread is not required.

Simply remove the line timer.moveToThread(&t); from above example will work as expected too.

The difference is that:

In last example,

  • The signal timeout() is emitted from sub-thread
  • As timer and worker live in the same thread, their connection type is direct connection.
  • The slot get called in the same thead in which signal get emitted.

While in this example,

  • The signal timeout() emitted from main thread,
  • As timer and worker live in different threads, their connection type is queued connection.
  • The slot get called in its living thread, which is the sub-thread.

Thanks to a mechanism called queued connections, it is safe to connect signals and slots across different threads. If all the across threads communication are done though queued connections, the usual multithreading precautions such as QMutex will no longer need to be taken.

In short

  • Subclass QThread and reimplement its run() function is intuitive and there are still many perfectly valid reasons to subclass QThread, but when event loop is used in worker thread, it's not easy to do it in the right way.
  • Use worker objects by moving them to the thread is easy to use when event loop exists, as it has hidden the details of event loop and queued connection.


  • http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2010/06/17/youre-doing-it-wrong/
  • http://woboq.com/blog/qthread-you-were-not-doing-so-wrong.html
  • http://ilearnstuff.blogspot.com/2012/08/when-qthread-isnt-thread.html


In some applications it is often necessary to perform long-running tasks, such as computations or network operations, that cannot be broken up into smaller pieces and processed alongside normal application events. In such cases, we would like to be able to perform these tasks in a way that does not interfere with the normal running of the application, and ensure that the user interface continues to be updated. One way of achieving this is to perform these tasks in a separate thread to the main user interface thread, and only interact with it when we have results we need to display.

This example shows how to create a separate thread to perform a task - in this case, drawing stars for a picture - while continuing to run the main user interface thread. The worker thread draws each star onto its own individual image, and it passes each image back to the example's window which resides in the main application thread.

The User Interface

We begin by importing the modules we require. We need the math and random modules to help us draw stars.

The main window in this example is just a QWidget. We create a single Worker instance that we can reuse as required.

The user interface consists of a label, spin box and a push button that the user interacts with to configure the number of stars that the thread wil draw. The output from the thread is presented in a QLabel instance, viewer.

We connect the standard finished() and terminated() signals from the thread to the same slot in the widget. This will reset the user interface when the thread stops running. The custom output(QRect, QImage) signal is connected to the addImage() slot so that we can update the viewer label every time a new star is drawn.

The start button's clicked() signal is connected to the makePicture() slot, which is responsible for starting the worker thread.

We place each of the widgets into a grid layout and set the window's title:

The makePicture() slot needs to do three things: disable the user interface widgets that are used to start a thread, clear the viewer label with a new pixmap, and start the thread with the appropriate parameters.

Since the start button is the only widget that can cause this slot to be invoked, we simply disable it before starting the thread, avoiding problems with re-entrancy.

We call a custom method in the Worker thread instance with the size of the viewer label and the number of stars, obtained from the spin box.

Whenever is star is drawn by the worker thread, it will emit a signal that is connected to the addImage() slot. This slot is called with a QRect value, indicating where the star should be placed in the pixmap held by the viewer label, and an image of the star itself:

We use a QPainter to draw the image at the appropriate place on the label's pixmap.

The updateUi() slot is called when a thread stops running. Since we usually want to let the user run the thread again, we reset the user interface to enable the start button to be pressed:

Now that we have seen how an instance of the Window class uses the worker thread, let us take a look at the thread's implementation.

The Worker Thread

The worker thread is implemented as a PyQt thread rather than a Python thread since we want to take advantage of the signals and slots mechanism to communicate with the main application.

We define size and stars Casino bar stools black. attributes that store information about the work the thread is required to do, and we assign default values to them. The exiting attribute is used to tell the thread to stop processing.

Each star is drawn using a QPainterPath that we define in advance:

Before a Worker object is destroyed, we need to ensure that it stops processing. For this reason, we implement the following method in a way that indicates to the part of the object that performs the processing that it must stop, and waits until it does so.

Qt Signal Slot Thread

For convenience, we define a method to set up the attributes required by the thread before starting it.

Qt Signal Slot Not Working

The start() method is a special method that sets up the thread and calls our implementation of the run() method. We provide the render() method instead of letting our own run() method take extra arguments because the run() method is called by PyQt itself with no arguments.

The run() method is where we perform the processing that occurs in the thread provided by the Worker instance:

Information stored as attributes in the instance determines the number of stars to be drawn and the area over which they will be distributed.

We draw the number of stars requested as long as the exiting attribute remains False. This additional check allows us to terminate the thread on demand by setting the exiting attribute to True at any time.

The drawing code is not particularly relevant to this example. We simply draw on an appropriately-sized transparent image.

For each star drawn, we send the main thread information about where it should be placed along with the star's image by emitting our custom output() signal:

Since QRect and QImage objects can be serialized for transmission via the signals and slots mechanism, they can be sent between threads in this way, making it convenient to use threads in a wide range of situations where built-in types are used.

Qt Signals And Slots Tutorial

Running the Example

Qt Thread Safe Signal Slot Booster

We only need one more piece of code to complete the example:

broken image